lunes, 1 de junio de 2020


Monday 1st June 2020

Hi, everyone!

Hoy vamos a conocer a algunos artistas y gente del espectáculo, o como dice el título de hoy, ENTERTAINERS. Primero, unas profesiones. Read👀, listen 👂and repeat👄:

Now, 👂 listen to this article about FAMOUS YOUNG ENTERTAINERS. ¿Conoces alguno de ellos?

Por último:

  • Open you notebook. 📙
  • Write the date (Monday 1st June 2020) 📆
  • Write a title: "ENTERTAINERS" 📝
  • Copy these sentences and write TRUE ✅or FALSE❌:

  1. Venus Williams and Serena Williams are school friends.
  2. Mozart is six years old in the painting.
  3. There are two photos of actors.
  4. The actors' names are Venus Williams and Serena Williams.
  5. There are seven Harry Potter films.
  6. Leonardo Di Caprio is an actor in 27 films.

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